2012. 1. 17. 20:09ㆍ차차차
I Need To Know (Demo & Walk_Through)
32 count, 2 wall, 초급레벨
Chor by Amy Christian-Sohn (Jan 10)
Danced by 올댓라인댄스 댄서(?)들
2010년 1월 통합강습에서 배운 라인댄스 I Need To Know 입니다.
차차풍이 아주 잘 어울리는 Marc Anthony 의 음악인 I Need To Know로 만들어진
라인댄스가 몇개 있었으나 음악의 명성에 비해 딱히 이렇다할만큼 눈에 띄는게 없었다가
최근 싱가포르의 안무가 Amy Christian-Sohn 에 의해 만들어진 이 라인댄스는
초급용으로 만들어졌음에도 불구하고 많은 라인댄스 매니아들의 마음을 사로잡고 있습니다.
<I Need To Know 의 다른 동영상> 동영상의 인물이 안무가인 Amy Christian-Sohn 입니다.
Intro: 32 Counts, as soon as song starts.
Side, Together, Side Shuffle, Cross, Recover, Side Shuffle
1-2 Take big step to L side on L foot, Step R foot next to L foot,
3&4 Step L foot to L side, Step R foot next to L, Step L foot to L side,
5-6 Cross step R foot over L foot, Recover on L foot,
7&8 Step R foot to R side, Step L foot next to R foot, Step R foot to R side,
Cross, Recover, Side Shuffle, Pivot 1/4, Pivot 1/4
1-2 Cross step L foot over R foot, Recover on R foot,
3&4 Step L foot to L side, Step R foot next to L foot, Step L foot to L side,
5-8 Step fwd on R foot, Pivot 1/4 turn left on L foot, Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 turn left on L foot, (Add hip rolls),
RESTART: On Wall 8 - there is a Restart at this point. On count 8, Touch, instead of stepping down on L foot & start again
Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Walk, Walk Shuffle
1-2 Walk fwd R, L,
3&4 Step fwd on R foot, Step L next to L, Step fwd on R foot, (angle upper body R, for styling),
5-6 Walk fwd L, R,
7&8 Step fwd on L foot, Step R next to L, Step fwd on L foot, (angle upper body L, for styling),
Rocking Chair, Triple On The Spot, Hold, Side, Together, (or Rock Back, Recover)
1-4 Rock fwd on R, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L,
5&6 Step R foot in place, Step L foot next to R, Step R foot next to L,
7 Hold,
&8 Step L foot to L side, Step R foot next to L,
Optional Rock back on ball of L(&), Recover on R(8)
Start again!
*RESTART: There is a Restart on Wall 8. You will hear distinctive drum sounds on Wall 8 (facing the back wall - approx 2.13secs into the song). Dance 16 counts into the dance & at the end of the second 1/4 pivot on count 16, replace the step with a touch & restart the dance.
In order to hit those hard beats on the 4th eight of the dance, a restart is needed Or.... just dance it straight out without the restart. It still works!
출처 : 올댓라인댄스 (운영자:꼬마기사)
'차차차' 카테고리의 다른 글
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